Thinking || A Little Epiphany

Dear 2015,

I’ve had an epiphany.
It’s a little one, let’s not get too melodramatic about it.

I started a nail blog for three reasons:

1. A desire to write –
2. A newfound hobby (nail art) –
3. A deeply rooted belief that no one would read what I actually wanted to write about –
less acceptable

You see, I had decided that lifestyle blogs were the preserve of the lovely, long-limbed ladies with equally fabulous long hair and a penchant for gliding around London wearing a cape and/or a large, floppy hat.

Actual research has since shown this not to be so – what a relief! There are still plenty of lovely ladies with handbags swinging from the crooks of their elbows (ladies, I hear this is not actually good for the long-term health of said elbows) staring up at me from my Bloglovin app. There are also plenty of words. Human words about human things.

I reckon I can do human. I live a life. One that has a style (questionable or otherwise) that is essentially MARTHA-ish. So, if you don’t mind, I’d like to tell you some more about that.

Love Martha xx

P.S. Don’t worry, I still have 300 nail polishes to use, so they’ll probably crop up a fair bit.

P.P.S. Don’t tell Boyf. He was never convinced I’d get through all 300 before they went gloopy…and that was obviously before I proposed to start doing my nails less.

P.P.P.S Shit, sorry, I didn’t even ask – how was your Christmas?!

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